School Improvement
At Steel River Academy Trust, we believe that an effective system of school improvement that utilises the huge array of talent and expertise from across all our schools is essential in establishing a highly successful self-improving system.
Through a robust recruitment process, we have identified strong leaders and practitioners who have developed the knowledge, skills and expertise to support and challenge schools to continually improve outcomes for pupils.
Our school improvement process promotes effective collaboration and interaction between schools in the Trust and shares best practice as it involves staff from all schools in the process
All members of our School Improvement Team demonstrate a continuous drive for improvement and a commitment to delivering our trust vision
School Improvement Reviews
School Improvement Reviews will be carried out twice per year — once in the Autumn term and again in Summer term. The timings and focus of the reviews will be agreed by Headteachers at the beginning of each year and will focus on those aspects of schools’ work that have been identified in the Trust/School development plans as key areas for improvement. These reviews perform important functions such as:
- offering external validation — an extra pair of eyes serving as a ‘critical friend’
- enhancing the rigour of school self-evaluation
- supporting schools with their improvement priorities
- supporting head teachers/leaders new to post
- supporting and challenging schools to improve outcomes for all children
School Improvement Reviews have proven highly effective in driving and supporting school improvement. They aim to:
- Raise expectations by exploring and evaluating the standards of performance and effectiveness expected of schools.
- Provide professional challenge and the impetus to act where improvement is needed
- Clearly identify strengths and areas for development
- Recommend specific priorities for improvement for the school and, where appropriate, support and promote subsequent progress.
- Organise/source, as appropriate, support from resources within and outside of Steel River Academy Trust.
- Promote rigour in the way that schools evaluate their own performance, thereby enhancing their capacity to improve
The School Improvement Team
The School Improvement team is made up of a range of experienced staff from all schools within the academy trust along with SRAT’s Co-CEO/Director of Education. We also engage the skills and expertise of the Trust’s external consultant Faye Hemming – founder of School Support Solutions who has significant experience in school improvement as well as experience as a Headteacher and Ofsted Inspector.
For each review the team will be made up of:
- School Improvement Lead (Co-CEO/Director of Education) and/or External Consultant
- School Improvement Team Leader (Lead practitioner of school improvement team and senior member of staff)
- School Improvement Practitioners (experienced/senior member of school staff)
- Developing practitioners (class teachers / subject leaders who demonstrate strong practice in their own classrooms)